Oliver Waller

Director of Information & Marketing

Over the past 26 years, Oliver Waller has been a principle executive for various start-ups and marketing organizations focused on platform and revenue growth. Specializing in the architecting, direction and management of development and support teams, Oliver has excelled in bridging the gap of building viable online products and installing the marketing campaigns to drive traffic, convert leads and retain customers to foster growth.

Recently, Oliver has been the Director of Digital Marketing and Development for JJ Virgin and Associates, in which he directed their online subscriptions offerings into a multi-million dollar revenue stream and established a retention strategy that decreased the average churn rate and attracted more new customers to establish a steady growth trend. To accomplish this, Oliver installed strong UI & UX methods to keep customers engaged with their subscription products as well as delivered targeted and relevant content to keep the customers coming back and become loyal fans of the brand.


L'avenir du travail est arrivé. Il est temps de prospérer.